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Community Orchard

Our community orchard will be located just behind the Sailing Club in a currently unused piece of land that is being slowly taken over by brambles. The orchard will be a true community collaboration between Friends of Bartley Reservoir and St Michael's Primary School with help and support from our local Woodgate Valley Park Rangers and Bartley Sailing Club/Andrew Simpson Watersports Centre. . 

Community Effort

This will be a community effort from clearing and preparing the area, fund-raising for trees and equipment, planting, and long term care and support of our new orchard. Not only will it bring different community groups together to invest in our local area, but it will also increase habitat and bio-diversity in the area, whilst providing a new point of interest around Bartley Reservoir that everyone can enjoy for generations to come. 

Phase 1

Friends of Bartley Reservoir and St Michael's Primary School to clear the orchard site of brambles and young seeded trees, with park ranger support. 


Phase 2

The council to implement a 12-18 month mowing regime to prepare the ground for planting. Friends of Bartley Reservoir to apply for grants and St Michael's to fundraise to raise money for maintenance equipment needed. Birmingham Council to potentially supply the fruiting trees. 


Phase 3


Plant the orchard. 





Friends of Bartley Reservoir and St Michael's Primary School to alternate monthly care and maintenance of the orchard and to utilise it for ongoing learning and community activities. 

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