Reservoir Design Proposal
Friends of Bartley Reservoir have a vision of the reservoir's surrounding spaces as one cohesive, joined-up, publicly accessible, and improved space for all to enjoy. It is important to us that it is utilised by all, valued by all, cared for by all, and easily connects people to their environment and heritage. We now need to create design proposals so that for areas that need particular attention.
We will be starting with the Picnic Area and design proposals are currently being drawn up by the council's Landscape Practice Team. This cost £1,500, with half paid for by Friends of Bartley Reservoir (fundraised from Bartley Green residents), and half by the council's Park Team. After this we aim to imrpove the Playing Field. Bromwich Wood, and Scotland Lane.
Phase 1
Phase 2
The council's Landscape Practice Group to undertake and complete the design proposal for the Picnic Area, complete with costings.
Phase 3
Apply for grants.
Phase 4
Arrange contractors to undertake work.