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Woods & Playing Field

Bromwich Wood

  • Bromwich Wood, known locally at Bluebell Wood, is a semi-natural ancient woodland. Ancient Woodland is defined as having existed on maps in England and Wales since 1600. The length of time is important as it creates nutrient rich soil that supports specific plant and animal species. 

  • The semi-natural part is where woods that have developed naturally but have been used by humans – often managed for timber and other industries over the centuries. Evidence of that is seen here in the Hazel tree. A tree often planted by humans for its quick growth, bendy and pliable material. 

  • Only 2.5% of Ancient Woodlands remain and once lost the rich complex diversity and eco-systems that exists in them cannot be replaced, which is why we have designations to protect them 

  • The 1990 Assessment designated Bromwich Wood a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation and Local Nature Reserve, particularly as it is an Oak woodland which is uncommon in this area.


Kitwell Playing Field

  • Another part of the reservoir you could be forgiven for not knowing existed. 

  • An agricultural history.

  • Belonged to Elizabeth Cadbury along with the woods, and passed to the citizens of Birmingham with a covenant that it should be kept for public use and can not be used for financial gain. This prevents the council from charging groups to use the field.

  • Designated a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation in the 1990’s ecological assessment.

Guess the Commonwealth Country Flags and their National Field Sport. Hover over the flags for the answers. 

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Le Crosse

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St Kitts and Nevis

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The Bahamas


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New Zealand

Rugby Union

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