Our 10 year plan
We were delighted to reveal our 10 Year Plan + at out recent AGM. We believe this was absolutely necessary to drive forward our ambition for the area, and send a clear signal to council departments and funders that we are in this for the long haul!
Central to compiling our plan was the focus on upgrades, accessibility, connectivity, heritage, and increasing bio-diversity.
With our first year now complete see what our priorities are each year from now until 2031 and beyond!
2nd Year priorities: 22-23
Continue with anything left over from previous year including fundraising for proposal and permissive pathways on farmland down Church Hill if not achieved. This includes installing/replacing gates to formalise the pathways and protect from scrambler use.
Work with Parks to add a pathway from Scotland Lane into Bartley Meadows.
Submit evidence to register 6 Public Rights of Way around the reservoir.
Collect evidence and submit applications to create a new Public Right of Way alongside Scotland Lane.
Consolidate the reservoir’s maintenance into the calendar with woodland management group and PROW/pathway maintenance on private land (to include opening a new entrance way opposite the picnic area).
Work with PROW team at council to install ‘Public Footpath’ signs at another roadside entrance x 2 and to upgrade one gate to a Motability assessable kissing gate (see list for each year).
Similarly work with Worcestershire Council to replace stiles and kissing gates around the reservoir with accessibility kissing gates (see list for each year).
Continue building membership, develop relationships with The Reservoir Community, including disseminating newsletter and arranging volunteer meetups.
Focus on Picnic Area upgrade plan: fundraising/grants, and execution.
Preparation of community orchard to continue with Parks. Funding to be explored.
Memories/Oral Histories project – connecting people to heritage.
Community events/fundraising. Continue to think of ways to create revenue for us and maintenance of any infrastructure added.
3rd Year priorities: 23-24
Continue with anything left over from previous year including fundraising and permissive pathways on farmland down Church Hill if not already achieved. This includes installing/replacing gates to formalise the pathways and protect from scrambler use.
Work with parks to add raised footway over troughs in field edges x 1.
Woodland and park maintenance group (to include opening new entrance way on Genners Lane).
Work with the PROW team at Birmingham and Worcestershire to install ‘Public Footpath’ signs at another roadside entrance x 2 each, and to upgrade one gate to a Motability assessable kissing gate each.
Continue building membership, relationships with The Reservoir Community, including disseminating newsletter and arranging volunteer meetups.
Execute Community Orchard Project with St Michael’s Primary and ongoing maintenance.
Execute Picnic Area Upgrade.
Develop and fundraise Kitwell Playing Field upgrade including French drains.
Community events/fundraising. Continue to think of ways to create revenue for us and maintenance of any infrastructure added.
4th Year Priorities: 24/25
Continue with anything left over from previous year including fundraising and permissive pathways on Severn Trent land and farmland down Church Hill.
Continue with Woodland and reservoir maintenance group/tasks.
Work with parks to add raised footway over troughs in field edges x 1.
Work with the PROW team at Birmingham and Worcestershire to install ‘Public Footpath’ signs at another roadside entrance x 2 each, and to upgrade one gate to a Motability assessable kissing gate each.
Continue building membership, relationships with The Reservoir Community, including disseminating newsletter and arranging volunteer meetups.
Community events/fundraising. Continue to think of ways to create revenue for us and maintenance of any infrastructure added.
Execute Kitwell Playing Field upgrade.
Create and submit applications for Biffa Grant re Bromwich Wood.
5th Year Priorities: 25/26
Continue with anything left over from previous year including fundraising and permissive pathways on Severn Trent land and farmland down Church Hill.
Work with the PROW team at Birmingham and Worcestershire to install ‘Public Footpath’ signs at another roadside entrance x 2 each, and to upgrade one gate to a Motability assessable kissing gate each.
Continue building membership, relationships with The Reservoir Community, including disseminating newsletter and arranging volunteer meetups.
Community events/fundraising. Continue to think of ways to create revenue for us and maintenance of any infrastructure added.
Execute Bromwich Wood upgrade plans.
Build and submit application for Lottery Heritage Fund for pathway from top of Scotland Lane to Frankley Lane with fencing, benches, and lectern heritage trail (of which oral histories project and prior work with other organisations will be key).
6th Year Priorities: 26/27
Continue with anything left over from previous year including fundraising and permissive pathways on Severn Trent land and farmland down Church Hill.
Work with the PROW team at Birmingham and Worcestershire to install ‘Public Footpath’ signs at another roadside entrance x 2 each, and to upgrade one gate to a Motability assessable kissing gate each.
Continue building membership, relationships with The Reservoir Community, including disseminating newsletter and arranging volunteer meetups.
Community events/fundraising. Continue to think of ways to create revenue for us and maintenance of any infrastructure added.
If successful, execute Lottery Heritage Fund for pathway from top of Scotland Lane to Frankley Lane with fencing, benches, and lectern heritage trail (of which oral histories project and prior work with other organisations will be key).
7th Year Priorities: 27/28
Continue with anything left over from previous year including fundraising and permissive pathways on Severn Trent land and farmland down Church Hill.
Work with the PROW team at Birmingham and Worcestershire to install ‘Public Footpath’ signs at another roadside entrance x 2 each, and to upgrade one gate to a Motability assessable kissing gate each.
Continue building membership, relationships with The Reservoir Community, including disseminating newsletter and arranging volunteer meetups.
Community events/fundraising. Continue to think of ways to create revenue for us and maintenance of any infrastructure added
Create and apply for grants for the remaining footpath along the fence line near the picnic area to the sailing club.
8th Year Priorities: 28/29
Continue with anything left over from previous year including fundraising and permissive pathways on Severn Trent land and farmland down Church Hill.
Work with the PROW team at Birmingham and Worcestershire to install ‘Public Footpath’ signs at another roadside entrance x 2 each, and to upgrade one gate to a Motability assessable kissing gate each.
Continue building membership, relationships with The Reservoir Community, including disseminating newsletter and arranging volunteer meetups.
Community events/fundraising. Continue to think of ways to create revenue for us and maintenance of any infrastructure added
Execute pathway installation from picnic area to sailing club.
9th Year Priorities: 29/30
Continue with anything left over from previous year including fundraising and permissive pathways on Severn Trent land and farmland down Church Hill.
Work with the PROW team at Birmingham and Worcestershire to install ‘Public Footpath’ signs at another roadside entrance x 2 each, and to upgrade one gate to a Motability assessable kissing gate each.
Continue building membership, relationships with The Reservoir Community, including disseminating newsletter and arranging volunteer meetups.
Community events/fundraising. Continue to think of ways to create revenue for us and maintenance of any infrastructure added
Figure out plans and fundraising for Scotland Lane Road to be made a family friendly zone and to connect all areas of the reservoir better; cycle lane, speed bumps, priority lane island crossing, zebra crossing (see plan on file).
10th Year Priorities: 30/31
Continue with anything left over from previous year including fundraising and permissive pathways on Severn Trent land and farmland down Church Hill.
Work with the PROW team at Birmingham and Worcestershire to install ‘Public Footpath’ signs at another roadside entrance x 2 each, and to upgrade one gate to a Motability assessable kissing gate each.
Continue building membership, relationships with The Reservoir Community, including disseminating newsletter and arranging volunteer meetups.
Community events/fundraising. Continue to think of ways to create revenue for us and maintenance of any infrastructure added
Progress/execute plans and fundraising for Scotland Lane Road to be made a family friendly zone and to connect all areas of the reservoir better; cycle lane, speed bumps, priority lane island crossing, zebra crossing (see plan on file).
10 years plus:
Bring private land into public ownership.
Reinstate Westminster Pond and Woodland.
Add more wildflower meadows.
Trees along the right hand of Scotland Lane.
Add hedgerows where there are gaps.
Get the whole area designated a Local Nature Reserve.
Add a boardwalk along the inside of the dam with glass panes between the boardwalk and reservoir, and lower wall so people can see over/through.
Add permissive pathways along the dam on green side/Severn Trent land that connects down to Senneleys Park entrance.
An ambitious plan, we think you will agree, but everything is possible.